Wednesday, December 06, 2017

On My Mind...

Hey, I've been wondering lately-

Would you and me be a good thing?

How is my life so different from what it was just a few months ago?

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Friday, July 28, 2017

Guest Post by Cilia

Today's post is a guest post done by one of my favourite bloggers, cilia from when I grow up I want to be a granny , who is one the most hardworking bloggers I know and all of her content is very unique and original! For this post, Cilia will be walking you guys through her art process and style...Hope you enjoy!

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Stormy Days

Before I leave you guys to read my poem, here's little backstory...
When i'm sad, I always always imagine a storm cloud on my head, this storm slowly spreads through my mood, and I feel like every time I speak to someone when i'm sad, i'm giving a bit of my storm to them, so most of the time I avoid speaking. As you are reading, you will notice that every line starts with the word that the previous line ends with, this is done to show that sadness slowly builds up on everything that one feels and it creates a chain reaction. This pattern is broken towards the end to show that I have decided to fight back. Hope you enjoy reading!


Monday, July 03, 2017

Little Me

So, the other day (see also yesterday) I realised that I was (am) a very weird kid. How have I realised this you ask? Well two of my friends and I were walking and we somehow ended up talking about *drumroll* our childhood (Well more like pre-adolescence). Anyways that is when I realised that, none of my friends could relate to what I said and up until that moment I thought that everyone must've done the same things. But, apparently not. Anyways here's a list of, you guessed it...

Monday, June 12, 2017

Power Of Purpose

On some days I feel like I can't go on anymore, I constantly question the meaning of my life and ask myself if it's even worth working hard towards.

Saturday, June 03, 2017

An Apology

Dear everyone that I've hurt,

Sometimes I don't really listen or care. Sometimes I'm so rude that I even surprise myself. I could say that I'm only human but that's like saying my dog ate my homework,

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Art Update!

Just wanted to drop in a quick update of all of the artwork that I've done over the summer (art journal included), so here it goes. Oh and you can ask me any art-related questions in the comments and I'll answer them! :D


Monday, April 17, 2017

Missed me?

Hey, whats up, hello?
It's me again, hope I haven't been forgotten yet?
I'm just popping in today to give you a quick update of my 'oh so interesting life', 
dun dun dun.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

A to Z tag

Hello! I feel like I haven't posted anything since 2786 years (#extraaf) for some reason. So, I have decided to do the A to Z tag...Enjoy!

Friday, March 03, 2017

The Cramm Award

Hey there!
I have been nominated by a little ball of sunshine called Chits (if you don't check her out, I will find you and I will confiscate your pizza) for the Cramm Award.
The Cramm is essentially an e-mail and text newsletter made by teens, for teens. This website was created by a seriously cool person called Liv.

Thursday, March 02, 2017

Normal is Abnormal

The biggest problem with our society is that right from the start we're taught to be "normal" and "like everyone else" in order to "fit in". How is it that we have an actual definition of what is normal? Who even came up with this?

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Music Box

-Victor Hugo 

Wednesday, February 22, 2017


Don't we all subconsciously or consciously build emotional and mental barriers to keep people out?

Sunday, February 05, 2017

I'll Miss You

-Winnie The Pooh

It very very much hurts to say goodbye to the place that helped me grow and the people who made me who I am, and I cannot believe that it's over. I know for sure that I will get to meet new people and take the classes that I love but I also very much know that school (and life even) won't be the same, EVER. As I spend the last days of my tenth grade in my school (gosh I won't be able to say that after a few days), I really don't know what to feel...It's like a huge slurry of emotions, both good and bad. I love change and am very happy that I get to try something completely different, but also it feels horrible to even think about not being able to see my favourite people everyday.

I know I'm not one of the people that will cry on the last day and everyone will probably think that I am some emotionless rock but hey on the bright side- we do need people for consoling purposes?(yes we do). And I'll probably sound like the biggest hypocrite right now because I keep saying that school sucks and the people (well some) are hella fake, but It gives me immense pleasure to say that I have made very strong bonds with a few amazing people (you know who you are) and we have been keeping our head high during the gloomy days and thoroughly enjoying the extremely bright ones very persistently. In the span of 5 years that I have spent here, I have learnt to forgive and forget, I have learnt to help and most importantly- ask for help when it's needed.

Thank you for helping me grow and I hope I have helped you too. Thank you for all the smiles and laughter and bad puns, Thank you for being nice to me- I know I am difficult to deal with, Thank you for making my time here very real and genuine. Thank you for the numerous phone calls and random midnight rambling. Thank you for feeling so deeply for me (sometimes even more than I do). Thank you for trusting me and letting me solve your problems. Thank you for saving my life (quite literally) and bearing with my "jokes". But most of all, Thank you for loving me for who I am and letting me love you guys back. Thank you for making me realise how short and tiny I am like every two seconds, appreciate it.



Thursday, January 26, 2017

That Time Of The Year

So it's that time of the year again, IT'S EXAM TIME and I am told that the exams that I am about to write this year are going to define my future, because, you guessed it- its 10TH GRADE board exams.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Icarus and Sun

They tell me that I'm going insane, that you are  driving me insane and I know that self-destruction is inevitable. But oh darling, 
I am Icarus and you are the Sun 

Sunday, January 08, 2017


(n.) An unusual and exciting or daring experience, that gives you immense satisfaction.

*Life is an adventure. What is life without adventure? What is the point of living if what you do doesn't empower you and make you wanna squeeze more out of life? Your life is your very own adventure, always remember that NO ONE else can experience and conquer it quite like you did. So my friends- embrace this unique adventure crafted only for you and you*

Monday, January 02, 2017


Everyone has certain things or even people that give them a new found meaning to life and keep them from breaking, to be honest it's crazy and insanely beautiful how we humans associate the deepest of emotions with the most random things ever. So, I wanted to start this year's blogging journey with a few things that inspire me and give me courage to go on and venture unto the unknown as I am a hundred percent sure that 2017 is going to be very new and challenging for me because I'll be in a NEW SCHOOL and will have completely DIFFERENT SUBJECTS and BRAND NEW people in my life.